Mando Corporation

Mando, the major company of Halla group, has been the leading automotive parts manufacturer in Korea since its establishment in 1962.

At present, Mando is supplying the various products for automotive vehicles in Korea as well as worldwide, and is leading the state of the art automotive technology such as Anti-lock Brake System, Electronic Control Suspension and Electric Power Steering System and other advanced vehicle parts & components.

만도인이 공유하는 가치관이자 신념이며 사랑의 기업문화를 형성하는 가장 중요한 핵심가치로서 우리의 비전을 실현시킬 만도의 경쟁력입니다.

Core Value

정도경영 투명,정직,상실
Work ethically within company rules and policies
도전 혁신 최고
Be the best never giving up with unbreakable will
배려 소통 신뢰
Seek coexistence with consideration and effective communication
Mando Homepage